Buy or Rent The Best Security Kits in Farming & Agriculture!

Live stock theft is increasing.

Solar-powered: Our cameras are powered entirely by solar panels. With just six hours of direct sunlight exposure,
they will function continuously for up to seven days and nights. The panels can be installed as far as 100 feet
from the cameras, offering maximum versatility.

Cellular or wireless data: While traditional surveillance systems require on-site servers to store data, Eye Trax cellular
security cameras utilize the wireless 3G/4G data network to store information in the cloud. This eliminates
the need for costly infrastructure on-site. It also makes it possible for operators to view live feeds or
review recorded information easily wherever they are. Lastly, cellular data provides greater information
security compared to systems that share over the general Internet.

How remote is the property/ Ports, oil refineries and other industrial sites often are far from population
centers — by necessity.

This means they lack the essential infrastructure to support traditional surveillance systems.
How vulnerable is the site? Depending on your industry, your site may be a target for thieves, vandals or terrorists.
Having security cameras on-site can deter criminals and provide valuable evidence in the event of an incident.
Other times, a property may be vulnerable to natural disasters such as flooding or hurricanes. In these situations,
Solar wireless & cellular cameras allow businesses to keep an eye on their assets from a safe distance.
How accessible is power and data?
Certain properties, such as construction sites, don’t immediately have access to the power grid or data infrastructure.
A cloud-based, solar-powered security system can be a good way to keep such locations monitored.

Wireless Diagram Below